
If you’ve met me, or even just spoken to me for more than 5 minutes, you’ll know that I am a stationery addict – buying new stationary is literally my favourite thing. I know I don’t need a new notebook, or pack of pastel pens, I only bought a pack last week, but you never know when they could come in handy.

So, I thought I write a blog post on some of my favs – just in case anyone cared about stationery as much as I do!

Mildliners – highlighters that don’t blind you or give you a headache – I find it much easier to revise with these – also they are super pretty. They have one end which is a highlighter, and one which is like a felt tip pen. (here)

Oxford Campus Paper – this is the smoothest paper and doesnt bleed through, it is slightly more expensive than your average refill pad however I think it is definately worth it if you like to used anything other than just plain biro. I think they are on offer at the moment in most supermarkets as well as its back to school season! (here)

Ink Pens – the ones I like the most are from aliexpress (here) but they take ages to come, I also like the uni-ball ones (here) but they are more expensive!

Weekly pad – I find this really helpful when planning revision and just handling life when it gets super busy – taking it one week at a time. I personally use one from TK MAXX but its all personal choice so up to you!

To-do list – again they do some lovely ones in the stationary section of TK Maxx. Although I also like to do them in my bullet journal!

Bookstand – this is from amazon (here) and it is wonderful for when it comes to revision and studying, no more trying to hold a textbook open with your elbow whilst reading and writing with the other hand.

Bullet Journal – I use the leuchtturm1917 (here). It’s dotted and the paper is super smooth.

Revision Cards Folder – this is just an A5 ring binder, I hole punched my revision cards and kept them all in one place, so I could easily whip them out on the train etc. It also meant they were kept flat and in the right order. I use this one (here).

Pencil Case – my favourites are from Muji (here) or the floral ones that come in a pack of four from eBay (here).

I hope this was interesting or maybe even somewhat helpful to those of you who are back off to school or university. Let me know in the comments if there is any stationery that you can’t live without!

Abbie xx

The Art Of Living

Sometimes when your life and mind are taken over by mental illness, you end up living in a bubble, of starving bodies, numbed minds and empty hearts. We trick ourselves into thinking that any other life isn’t worth living. But I have something to tell you. Once you pop that bubble and start to let the light in, there is a whole new world of feeling, and for the most part, its magnificent.

When you are with the people who love you most and you can feel that bubbling of contentment in your heart. When you are walking down the street and you can feel the sun on the back of your neck. When snow begins to fall and you feel like a child, so excited about the magic of snow and the perfection of each snowflake landing on you. The mix of wonder and fear that you feel during thunderstorms, when lightning strikes so close. The feeling when you take your shoes and socks off and run barefoot on the grass.

A sudden feeling of deja vu when you are playing in the garden with your friends and it feels like you are 5 years old again. When you drink a cup of tea and it is the perfect temperature, and you can feel it warming your insides. When you’ve had a cold and then realised, that you can breathe out of two nostrils again. When someone compliments you, and you feel proud of what you have overcome, not angry at the fragile body you have lost.

You feel that, that is the art of living.

Stay Safe

A xx



How To Get Things Done

As possibly the princess of procrastination, i could really have used something like this, especially when going through depressive episodes when things still have to be done.

  • Write a list in the morning or even the night before – however be careful not to make it too long because I know many of us struggle with perfectionism – it needs to be achievable. Break each thing on the list down into small tasks – this means that you will get the satisfaction of ticking things off your list more often. For example:

Do the washing:

  •  – separate clothes into lights and darks
  •  – put clothes in washing machine and turn on
  • – take clothes out and hang to dry/tumble dryer
  • – fold clothes
  • – put clothes away
  • Snowball method or vice versa. What I mean by this is start off with the smallest/easiest things first and then your list will shrink more quickly, meaning only a few larger tasks are left. This can be good for some people who tend to let little things hang over them such as a sending a quick reply to an email or putting the washing on. Or you can start with the largest most difficult task whilst you have the energy/motivation and work down to the easier tasks at the end of the day.
  • Wake up slightly earlier – nothing too dramatic, just perhaps 30 minutes or an hour. Not having to rush in the morning is lovely. Plus if you are feeling super sleepy still, then just use that extra time to continue sleeping/relaxing.
  • When motivation is really lacking but something needs to be done, I find it helps to just commit myself to 5 mins only. Put on a timer or 5 minutes and if you are still not feeling it when that timer is up, then stop. Often, I find that starting is the hardest part and after that first five minutes, things might not seem quite so overwhelming.
  • Put your phone away – I can already hear that little huff that we all seem to make whenever we are told to put our phones down – it’s a sound that means – ‘yes I know I’d do more work without my phone, but also look how cute this puppy is and this is a funny meme’. Out of sight, out of mind? There are lots of apps that can help you stay off social media too.
  • Have a glass of water, snacks and maybe even a cup of tea or coffee. I’ve always found sitting down to do something becomes much more bearable with a cup of tea in my hand.
  • If you are overwhelmed – STOP. When you feel like your mind is running at 100 miles per hour, there’s no point on trying to concentrate because you will just start to feel more panicky. Take a break, take a breath, and begin again when you are ready.
  • Try to stop thinking about things that you have no control over. How many hours a day do we spent ruminating on things that have either already happened or we have no control over anyway. I find this difficult myself, but I’ve found thinking things like; ‘can I change this?’ ‘will this matter in a year’s time?’ ‘is this my responsibility?’. If the answer is no, let it go. This takes practise, but it does work.
  • Keep a note pad beside you and if random thoughts pop into your head that you think might be important to do later or ideas for projects jot them down and move on for now. One thing at a time.

I hope this was somewhat helpful, let me know in the comments if you have found anything else that helps you to get things done.

Stay Safe Lovelies

Abbie xx

Self Care – but not the candle lit bath type

When people talk about self-care, those Pinterest images fill my head – along with a good old dose of inadequacy. Self-care has turned into bath bombs and shopping sprees, facials and lovely walks in the crisp morning air. But for those of us who are struggling to survive each day, this luxurious ‘self-care’ is just unachievable. Yet one more this we cannot do. We need to re-evaluate what is considered as ‘self-care’ – and redefine it – doing the things we need to keep functioning.

So, this is for those of us who haven’t showered in a couple of weeks and don’t remember the last time we brushed our teeth. To people who haven’t experienced the joys of depression, this might sound pretty gross. But it’s the reality of mental illness.

Here are some ideas for things that might make you feel a little better – some for the days when life seems a little more manageable and some for the days when it just isn’t.

Brush your teeth or use mouth wash, not for anyone else’s sake but just to make you feel clean and achieve – if this isn’t manageable keep a packet of gum next to your bed and chew some gum.

Have a glass of water – being dehydrated can make you feel tired and grouchy. I find that if I can make a cup of tea, that always helps me get going, especially if it’s really hot.

Get in the shower, you don’t even have to wash your hair, just sit in the warm water. Otherwise wash your face, use a wipe, whatever feels achievable. Change your clothes into new clean pyjamas and fresh underwear and socks.

Take your meds – if you have medication to take, take it. If possible after some sort of food, but whatever works for you.

Go outside, breathe in fresh air and close your eyes, whether it be in the garden or on a dog walk or in the town centre. Being out of your own bubble for a little while can be helpful – when it’s too hard to face the world open a window, let the world come to you. It can be quite a relief to get some airflow thought your room, especially if you’ve been shut in for a while as it can start to feel musty.

Put on the TV or some music – this could be a distraction or just break the silence that sometimes comes along with felling numb.

Breathe and stretch – I know sometimes it can be hard to even move because your limbs feel too heavy and the energy cannot be mustered but try and take 3 breaths, the deepest you possibly can and on the 3rd breath, stretch as much as you possibly can – arms in the air, arch your back and if you feel like it let out a yawn. This will get the blood moving round your body and may even make you feel less weighted down.

Eat something to get your blood sugar up – perhaps something with not much preparation for example a banana or cereal bar.

Anything that needs doing –  if there is anything urgent that needs doing write it down – for example feed a pet, send an email to work, or a doctor’s appointment that needs making. Tell yourself you will spend 5 minutes trying to do it, if by that point you haven’t then it’s okay, it can wait. You can rest. Often starting is the hardest part.

I hope this helps somebody, if you have any other ideas please comment them below.

Stay Safe,

Abbie xx


Moments to Live For

If you hadn’t already guessed, autumn is my favourite season, especially during November when Christmas decorations slowly begin to appear and its dark by 4:30. I love when the nights draw in and going inside feels warm and safe. Mugs of tea that steam like my breath in the cold and warm me up from the inside.

I can wrap up in layers of knitted, soft cardigans, turtle neck tops and scarves and not look strange. Hidden in plain sight when going for a walk in the cold (but not freezing) autumn air.

Rainy days filled with new episodes of the many shows I like to watch, curled up on my beanbag with a hot water bottle. Old favourites for dinner, like roasted root vegetables and halloumi.

It fills me with a warmth that I rarely experience anymore, when I see children in cute coats, with their rosy cheeks and cold noses, laughing with sheer delight at the red leaves falling from the trees –  who would have thought that leaves could be red and not green.

Dark evenings filled with blankets, warm porridge and spiced pumpkin candles. Somehow the darkness outside makes me feel calm, maybe it understands me somehow or maybe I’m just trying to be poetic. It’s comforting and that’s what matters.

These are the moments I live for.

Abbie xx

Quotes That Make Me Feel

I could spend hours on end, trawling through the internet or scrolling through Instagram looking for quotes. It seems like such a relief when I read something that captures what I am feeling. Or even just a powerful collection of words that I want to scream into the universe. So here are some of my favourites:

“There were days – there were many days, these words could burn stars, and raise up empires, and topple gods. And there was a time – there were years – when I couldn’t live without you.”

“We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”

“Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often we call a man cold when he is only sad.”

“Now here she is, standing in the freezing ocean, holding the body of her imaginary friend, and shouting at the sea to make him better.”

“She had a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach, like when you’re swimming and you want to put your feet down, but the water’s deeper than you think and there’s nothing there.”

“People say monsters don’t have nightmares, oh, but sweetheart, how do you think monsters are born?”

“I don’t want you to suffer as I suffered. To know what its like to be alone and afraid. To be disgusted by who and what you are.”

“She let out a laugh, and then put her hand over her mouth, like she was angry at herself for forgetting her sadness.”

“Yes, there are monsters and its okay to be afraid of them. But its not okay to let them win and its not okay to be one.”

“Courage does not always roar, sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying ‘I will try again tomorrow’.”

“This is what a total breakdown must be. You find yourself standing somewhere you shouldn’t be, doing something so out of character that you wonder if you’ve become someone else entirely.”

“You will feel better than this, maybe not yet, but you will. You just have to keep living until you are alive again.”

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming it.”

“The truth is, some pain just isn’t worth it. Sometimes the hurt gets old. Sometimes, you get tired of being the one who has to heal.”

“Sometimes I can feel my bones straining under the weight of all the lives i’m not living.”

“And now that you don’t have to be perfect. You can be good.”

“To not have your suffering recognised is an almost unbearable act of violence.”

Sorry, I think I got a bit carried away! Let me know some of your favourite quotes in the comments.

Stay Safe,

Abbie xx

Inspiration for Autumn

Hello my lovelies!

I think its finally autumn, the days are getting shorter and the cold is drawing in and I love it! All the excuses for cosy nights in and warm drinks. Less nights out with friends that I have to miss out on because I am a mess and no fun lol.

I have compiled a few photos on what inspires me fashion and make-up wise for autumn.

I absolutely love the rusty ginger colours, I think they just look beautiful on anybody and go with so many of the clothes I usually wear. Another thing I’m loving at the moment (and always) is big chunky cardigans and jumpers – the sort you can just chuck on with some jeans or leggings and be super duper cosy and so snug!

I think smock dresses look wonderful with or without tights in those transitional months where the weather cannot decide what it’s doing. A pair of lace up boots and you are ready for anything.

Again with the chunky knit – big fluffy cosy socks are one of the most important things in my life. Who doesn’t love to snuggle up with a blanket, soft socks and a cup of tea in front of the TV.  A great idea for self care on those days where these things are manageable is painting your nails, I also find this can help with anxiety or as a distraction. I just ordered the orangey one in the photo and I am so excited I can’t even explain! Plus it was a bargain – reduced from £11 to just £4.50!

What goes better with a rust coloured coat? A rust coloured eye – I adore these shades anytime of year to be honest, but I really think in autumn it makes a lovely quick natural look. Just put one or two colours in the crease and its BEAUTIFUL!

What inspires you in the autumn time? Comment below.

Lots of love,

Abbie xx

August Faves

Hello my loves,

I’ve put together a little list of everything I’ve enjoyed in August and the beginning of September, in the hopes that maybe some of you enjoy these things too!
Apple and Blueberry Porridge – In august porridge was my absolute favourite breakfast, add a dollop of Biscoff, a scattering of chia seeds and a spoonful of vanilla yogurt and you have yourself a bowl of deliciousness. Perfect with a nice hot cup of tea to start the morning.
Hygge – The whole idea of hygge is cosiness, comfort and contentment – in my eyes this is totally encompassed by warm socks, fluffy blankets and a steaming mug of tea. It makes me so excited for autumn and winter I can’t even explain!
Doc Martins – Coming into the autumn months (yes I know its only September but….) a sturdy pair of boots are a lifesaver. I swear I literally wear these everywhere, days out in London, popping down to the local shop or taking my beautiful dog on.a walk. They are my favourites and so so comfortable. Even better because I got them in the sale!
Dear Evan Hansen – This is a musical I discovered just over a month ago but I literally don’t think a day has gone by in August where I haven’t listened to the album. It tells the story of Evan Hansen whose crippling social anxiety leads to a high school career low in friends and high in unrequited love. When a fellow student takes his own life, Evan takes a strange opportunity and finds the chance to live how he has wanted to when he is mistaken for a friend of the deceased. He gains internet fame, acceptance and even a love interest. I showed Lottie and Rosie and they both love it too! Its available on Spotify.
Poppy – My gorgeous puppy – well kind of, (she’s 2 at the end of September) – Having finished school and the holidays coming to an end I have really enjoyed taking Poppy for walks, attempting to increase my fitness levels after a year of not being allowed to exercise. She also gives the best cuddles!
Free Prints – This is an app and honestly its so so good! Basically you get 45 free prints a month (only pay postage), and if you refer a friend you get an extra 5 free prints per month. I definitely think printed photos are underrated and more rare than they used to be. I love going through photo albums and having a little reminisce over happier times. My code is ajones2463 if you decide to sign up!
Let me know in the comments some of your favourite things from August – or September because apparently I can’t post on time ever!
Abbie xx

Blurt Buddy Box – self care


It was my birthday in June and my nana bought me a subscription to the Blurt Buddy Box. It’s a bit like a Glossybox or Birchbox but instead of makeup you get a little collection of self-care items. The Buddy Box is specifically aimed at those struggling with depression however everyone needs a little pick me up once in a while and it’s very exciting getting something through the post. I received my first box a few days ago and I thought I would share it with you because it is truly lovely!

It comes in this gorgeous box with gold embossing – and its recyclable.

This month’s box was called ‘It’s Not All Sunshine and Rainbows’, here’s a little sneak peek!

  1. Believe in Yourself Cards – these are just incredible, little quotes and reminders which I think I might stick up on my wall or perhaps just keep them handy in my bedside table.
  2. Choc Shot – this is a hot chocolate kit, I’m not a massive fan of hot chocolate but I will defo give this to a friend in need of a chocolate fix – probably one that’s off to university in a couple of weeks.
  3. Coaster – perfect for your hot chocolate or warm drink of choice.
  4. Happy Socks – anyone who knows me knows I love a good pair of socks almost as much as I love tea (not quite though).
  5. Lip Balm – self-care at its finest, lips often get very dry when washing and drinking water seem like an impossible mission.
  6. Postcard Print – these prints are postcard sized and have been beautifully designed by the incredibly talented Stacie Swift (Blog / Instagram)
  7. Zine – Blurt Magazine

This would be an absolutely perfect gift for a friend who may be struggling or even for yourself.

Stay safe my lovelies,

Abbie xx




A Day in Cups of Tea – 06.08.17

no. 1 – So right now its breakfast, usually consisting of porridge with some sort of concoction of various toppings (who am i kidding, its mostly biscoff). I basically just stare  into space trying to fight off eating disorder thoughts, inevitable after breakfast, with this cup of tea. I make it really hot so it almost burns but not quite.

no. 2 – Today i’m meeting Rosie in town so my second cup of tea was in a cafe whilst i was waiting for her (lol to go to another cafe). I managed some toast for lunch on my own and i’m quite proud because the guilt is quite overwhelming today but its okay because i deserve food and nourishment and toast is yummy. I’ve done some bullet journalling to help distract me after and its starting to get pretty full of stuff so let me know if you want a post on it.

no. 3 – Cup of tea number three was at another cafe, its very cosy in here. My mind is a bit quieter now, mostly because Rosie is showing me pics of her new puppy ahhh! Its nice to talk to someone who almost fully understands my thought processes no matter how weird and messed up they seem.

no. 4 – I’m home and really tired, i usually have a cup of tea as soon as i get home and just flick through instagram and twitter and cuddle my dog whilst lounging on the sofa or on my beanbag. A bit of recuperation.

no. 5 – A cup of tea after dinner is so good, its a really good distraction after eating and always makes me feel less bloated after. I’ve been attempting to sort out my room since the end of exams but I’m lazy and never seem to get anywhere with it but i did one shelf of my bookcase so thats good. My OCD was going crazy when dinner was being made but i managed to only perform a couple of compulsions so yay!

no. 6 – Last cup of the day today, i’m about to go to bed but I’ve still got evening snack to go (that meal plan life) and i’ll usually watch something on netflix whilst eating it and finishing off my tea. Today it was criminal minds – its usually criminal minds!

Goodnight my loves, stay safe,

Abbie xx