
If you’ve met me, or even just spoken to me for more than 5 minutes, you’ll know that I am a stationery addict – buying new stationary is literally my favourite thing. I know I don’t need a new notebook, or pack of pastel pens, I only bought a pack last week, but you never know when they could come in handy.

So, I thought I write a blog post on some of my favs – just in case anyone cared about stationery as much as I do!

Mildliners – highlighters that don’t blind you or give you a headache – I find it much easier to revise with these – also they are super pretty. They have one end which is a highlighter, and one which is like a felt tip pen. (here)

Oxford Campus Paper – this is the smoothest paper and doesnt bleed through, it is slightly more expensive than your average refill pad however I think it is definately worth it if you like to used anything other than just plain biro. I think they are on offer at the moment in most supermarkets as well as its back to school season! (here)

Ink Pens – the ones I like the most are from aliexpress (here) but they take ages to come, I also like the uni-ball ones (here) but they are more expensive!

Weekly pad – I find this really helpful when planning revision and just handling life when it gets super busy – taking it one week at a time. I personally use one from TK MAXX but its all personal choice so up to you!

To-do list – again they do some lovely ones in the stationary section of TK Maxx. Although I also like to do them in my bullet journal!

Bookstand – this is from amazon (here) and it is wonderful for when it comes to revision and studying, no more trying to hold a textbook open with your elbow whilst reading and writing with the other hand.

Bullet Journal – I use the leuchtturm1917 (here). It’s dotted and the paper is super smooth.

Revision Cards Folder – this is just an A5 ring binder, I hole punched my revision cards and kept them all in one place, so I could easily whip them out on the train etc. It also meant they were kept flat and in the right order. I use this one (here).

Pencil Case – my favourites are from Muji (here) or the floral ones that come in a pack of four from eBay (here).

I hope this was interesting or maybe even somewhat helpful to those of you who are back off to school or university. Let me know in the comments if there is any stationery that you can’t live without!

Abbie xx

How To Get Things Done

As possibly the princess of procrastination, i could really have used something like this, especially when going through depressive episodes when things still have to be done.

  • Write a list in the morning or even the night before – however be careful not to make it too long because I know many of us struggle with perfectionism – it needs to be achievable. Break each thing on the list down into small tasks – this means that you will get the satisfaction of ticking things off your list more often. For example:

Do the washing:

  •  – separate clothes into lights and darks
  •  – put clothes in washing machine and turn on
  • – take clothes out and hang to dry/tumble dryer
  • – fold clothes
  • – put clothes away
  • Snowball method or vice versa. What I mean by this is start off with the smallest/easiest things first and then your list will shrink more quickly, meaning only a few larger tasks are left. This can be good for some people who tend to let little things hang over them such as a sending a quick reply to an email or putting the washing on. Or you can start with the largest most difficult task whilst you have the energy/motivation and work down to the easier tasks at the end of the day.
  • Wake up slightly earlier – nothing too dramatic, just perhaps 30 minutes or an hour. Not having to rush in the morning is lovely. Plus if you are feeling super sleepy still, then just use that extra time to continue sleeping/relaxing.
  • When motivation is really lacking but something needs to be done, I find it helps to just commit myself to 5 mins only. Put on a timer or 5 minutes and if you are still not feeling it when that timer is up, then stop. Often, I find that starting is the hardest part and after that first five minutes, things might not seem quite so overwhelming.
  • Put your phone away – I can already hear that little huff that we all seem to make whenever we are told to put our phones down – it’s a sound that means – ‘yes I know I’d do more work without my phone, but also look how cute this puppy is and this is a funny meme’. Out of sight, out of mind? There are lots of apps that can help you stay off social media too.
  • Have a glass of water, snacks and maybe even a cup of tea or coffee. I’ve always found sitting down to do something becomes much more bearable with a cup of tea in my hand.
  • If you are overwhelmed – STOP. When you feel like your mind is running at 100 miles per hour, there’s no point on trying to concentrate because you will just start to feel more panicky. Take a break, take a breath, and begin again when you are ready.
  • Try to stop thinking about things that you have no control over. How many hours a day do we spent ruminating on things that have either already happened or we have no control over anyway. I find this difficult myself, but I’ve found thinking things like; ‘can I change this?’ ‘will this matter in a year’s time?’ ‘is this my responsibility?’. If the answer is no, let it go. This takes practise, but it does work.
  • Keep a note pad beside you and if random thoughts pop into your head that you think might be important to do later or ideas for projects jot them down and move on for now. One thing at a time.

I hope this was somewhat helpful, let me know in the comments if you have found anything else that helps you to get things done.

Stay Safe Lovelies

Abbie xx

How to get A*s

  • Start early

Start revising early in the year, I always start early because I know I’ll lose motivation closer to the time. Also this was it means that by the time exams come around you don’t have to read through all your notes looking for important information, you’ll already have condensed notes/mind maps etc.

  • Make a revision timetable

Despite the fact that barely anyone can actually follow a revision timetable, it’s definitely a good place to start. My favourite website to use is, it lets you put all your subjects in and their importance, as well as all your other commitments. This is a great way because it saves lots of time. (I always spend like 6 hours making it look pretty!!) But remember not to overcrowd your timetable, you still need time to eat, sleep and socialise.

  • Make a list in the morning before you start

To-do lists are my favourite, I think it’s a great way to keep yourself motivated as you can cross off each task as you do it. I like to break tasks down into smaller chunks so I can cross more things off. Again, make sure not to put too many things on your list, so that it doesn’t become overwhelming and crush the motivation.

  • Make a cup of tea

Or coffee, whatever floats your boat. I find a hot drink to sit down with is super helpful in getting me to start studying. The hardest part is starting.

  • Put notes somewhere you look a lot

You are basically studying without having to study. I find the best thing to do is put definitions on the mirror and read them as I clean my teeth. In the end, you will be able to recall these in exams for easy marks.

  • Past Papers

I find that completing past papers and then marking them is one of the most important things when trying to obtain high grades. It lets you practise writing answers in a way which gets you marks. Plus, they can only ask so many questions.

  • Do work at school

This may sound obvious but using the time when you are at school, in frees for example is so helpful. A lot of my friends spend their frees chatting in Costa, I spend mine working in the library. Sure, I might not have quite as much of a social life but I definitely have a lot more time to do what I want when I get home, and sometimes I even feel motivated enough to do more work when I get home which definitely leads to improved grades.

  • Find stationary which motivates you

Back to school sales are great, if pretty highlighters or swish pens make you want to work then by all means splash out and get them.

Good luck my lovelies!
